Dear Dick
I’m so glad that you enjoyed the recent Ray Knight and Mick Boddice pieces.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the chairs and production racers.
They never quite commanded the same status as some of the other national classes but they invariably threw up the toughest battles, huge entertainment and all on a shoestring too.
A piece on BFRC? I’d love to, but the truth is I’ve hit a few dead-ends in terms of tracking down club records, I’ve tried in the past.

While the clubs who sustained the production racing scene in the 1960s and 70s – the Bantam Club, British Formula, Midland, etc – had memberships nearer four figures than three, virtually all have gone to the wall, taking their records with them.
The racers still abound however! As such, expect an article soon on Clive Wall – BFRC Champion 1970 and 1971 if memory serves me right? – and perhaps one or two more. Editor Carter permitting!
Read more Letters, Opinion, News and Features in the September/October 2019 issue of CR –on sale now!